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O f f i c i a l n e w s p a p e r oF T h e I n d u s t r i a l Wo r k e r s o f t h e Wo r l d
S e p te m b e r 2 0 13 #175 8 Vol . 110 No. 7 $2/ 2/ 2

IWW Returns To The Railroad With ULP Strike

By Brendan Maslauskas Dunn Workers at a small railroad servicing company based in Waukegan, Ill., called Mobile Rail Solutionswhich is contracted by Union Pacificwent out on strike on Aug. 1. The workers decided to strike over a series of unfair labor practices (ULPs), including the firing of three workers. Although the workers attempted to negotiate with management to prevent a strike, their offers were ignored. We were fired within a week of filing multiple OSHA [Occupational Safety and Health Administration] complaints and going public with the union, said Eric Vasquez, 25. The union they decided to join was the IWW. IWW General Secretary-Treasurer Sam Green was approached by one of the workers in June. They spoke and the worker went to an Organizer Training 101 that the union offers. On the picket line, Green recounted the organizing that took place. He said that he met up with a group of nine workers to see if the union could give them what they needed and to see if it would be a good fit. They answered by signing authorization cards. After 24 of the 27 workers at Mobile Rail Solutions signed union authorization cards, they went public with the IWW on July 8. After going public, support for the union spiked up to 98 percent of the workers. Management was intransigent with the workers and would not recognize the union, so the new Wobblies filed for an election with the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB), which they won in a 17-to-5 vote on Aug. 14. Management has continued to attack the IWW with threats and intimidation. Ahern Owen, 38, the worker who originally reached out to the IWW, paced up and down the picket line in Chicagos blazing August heat. Owen has a background in organizing of a different nature, mostly within the environmental justice movement. His background certainly was helpful in getting things in motion with the IWW but he found that workplace Continued on 6

Workers Power: Job Conditioning

Building A Solidarity Jane LaTour: Viva La Huelga! Empowerment For Agricultural Strike In Network Is Harder 11 9 Union Women 5 Than It Seems 4 Washington

The Parallels Between The Sisters Camelot Life-Long Wobblies & Jimmy Johns Anti-Union Campaigns: Part 1
By Robbie Jenson & Travis Elise Travis & Robbie are members of the Jimmy Johns Workers Union and the Twin Cities General Membership Branch of the Industrial Workers of the World (IWW). In this article they discuss the similarities between the struggles at Jimmy Johns and Sisters Camelot. Parts 1 and 2 of this article will analyze the similarities between the union busting tactics employed by both Sisters Camelot and Jimmy Johns. The remaining parts will debunk the community statement (A Letter of Support for all the Workers at Sisters Camelot) written and signed onto by several members of the south Minneapolis radical community. On Feb. 25, 2013, the canvassers at Sisters Camelot, a non-profit mobile food shelf and soup kitchen, announced to their managers that they had formed a union and were card-carrying members of the IWW. Days later the Sisters Camelot Can-

Mobile Rail workers on the picket line, Aug. 2.

Photo: IWW Mobile Rail Workers Union


vass Union (SCCU) presented their bosses with their terms and attempted to begin negotiations. Management refused and the SCCU began a strike that has being going on for over four months (at press time). During that time, the managers at Sisters Camelot, who make decisions collectively and handle different kinds of programming work themselves, have (along with their staunch supporters) launched a vicious anti-union campaign that has been surprising, confusing and misleading to Continued on 6 Periodicals Postage

Junior Wobblies at the Work Peoples College talent show.

Photo: Erik Davis

Industrial Worker PO Box 180195 Chicago, IL 60618, USA ISSN 0019-8870 ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED


and additional mailing offices

Chicago, IL

By J. Pierce, with Sadie Farrell Two IWW dreams came true for me at Mesaba Co-op Park this summer. One was to lead a conversation about being life-long revolutionaries. The other was to teach IWW principles to kids in a memorable way. The Work Peoples College Committee approved the workshop I co-led with FW Linda called Che Guevara vs. Mr. Rogers: Long-Term Planning for Lifelong Wobblies (hereinafter referred to as Life Planning). The Junior Wobblies counselors gave me the opportunity to design some curriculum for the kids. These two experiences, as it turned out, went hand in hand. The IWW has always been a multigenerational organizationsomething we are all very proud of. However, the union is entering a newer stage of retention since our gradual resurgence in the late 1990s and early 2000s. Many of our 20-something-year-old-members from that time are now 30- and 40-somethings with kids, partners and the stresses of being grown-up trouble-makers. Life Planning and Junior Wobblies are two exemplars of our readiness for the new IWW.

Life Planning Ive been promoting the idea of IWW career counseling for a while. In numerous conversations, fellow workers expressed their frustration at dedicating years of their work lives to IWW organizing. When it was all over, they had little to show for it: no money, no job prospects, and no marketable skillsnothing that meant success. The only viable career path, at that point, was to work for the business unions, which are constantly tempting IWWs with a mirage of security and respectability. Wobblies have also quit the union in order to become their own boss, ascend into the left intelligentsia, or graduate to being a real union member in a trade. This led to the idea that we should be helping each other build toward a career that allows us to stay in the IWW and work a job we might actually enjoy. Life planning combines career counseling and life coaching and draws out the contradictions and complexities that a Wobbly encounters as we progress through years of struggle. Entanglements that we covered in the workshop included raising Wobbly kids Continued on 7

Page 2 Industrial Worker September 2013

Transition To Digital IW As Default: October 1, 2013

Letters Welcome!
The default format for the Industrial Worker is moving to an electronic PDF version and members will no longer be automatically subscribed to receive paper copies of the IW in the mail, beginning October 1, 2013. The default form of distribution will instead be through email, unless otherwise specified. If members wish to receive print copies of the IW, please send an email to or with the subject Opt-in to Print IW, or call GHQ at (773) 728-0996 and request a print subscription. If you have an existing paid subscription, you will continue to receive the IW in print. Note that ALL members are allowed to request paper copies and branches that have bundle requests will still have those requirements be honored. Check out, share and download digital copies of the Industrial Worker: http:// Remember, every paper IW costs the union a significant amount of time and money. Go paperless, live in harmony with the earth and help save the union money!

Send your letters to: with Letter in the subject. Mailing Address: Industrial Worker, P.O. Box 180195, Chicago, IL 60618, United States.

The Organizing Department Board (ODB) was created to strengthen the IWWs organizing efforts. The ODBs goals are to: support campaigns, connect organizers to each other, help develop diverse organizers across North America, and support new or non-organizing branches to do organizing. Where you come in? This board will not be able to fulfill these goals without communication from members.

Are you organizing? Do you need resources? Do you have resources to share?

In November We Remember

Send in your announcements for the annual In November We Remember issue of the Industrial Worker by Friday, October 4, 2013. Celebrate the lives of those who have struggled for the working class with your message of solidarity. Send announcements to Much appreciated donations for the following sizes should be sent to: IWW GHQ, P.O. Box 180195, Chicago, IL 60618, United States. $12 for 1 tall, 1 column wide $40 for 4 by 2 columns $90 for a quarter page

Graphic: Contact us if: Your branch doesnt already have an ODL (Organizing Department Liaison), please elect one or contact us for more information. Youre in a campaign of any size; so we can be aware of it and support you directly. Your branch has an ODL or campaign but is not reporting. Please, let us know what is going on and thoughts about how to make the process work better for you. And/or you have some significant organizing experience and want to support IWW organizing elsewhere!


Contact us today! David B., Chair 651-315-4222

Industrial Worker
The Voice of Revolutionary Industrial Unionism

IWW directory
Uganda IWW Kabale Uganda: Justus Tukwasibwe Weijagye, P.O. Box 217, Kabale , Uganda, East Africa. jkweijagye[at]

Organization Education Emancipation

Official newspaper of the Post Office Box 180195 Chicago, IL 60618 USA 773.728.0996 General Secretary-Treasurer: Sam Green General Executive Board: Monika Vykoukal, Katie Jennings, DJ Alperovitz, John Slavin, Dave Pike, Meg Beyer, Montigue Magruder Editor & Graphic Designer : Diane Krauthamer Proofreaders : Maria Rodriguez Gil, Tom Levy, Scotty Hertz, Tony B., Eric Wind, Jacob Brent, Mathieu Dube, Jonathan D. Beasley, D. Keenan, Neil Parthun, Skylaar Amann, Chris Heffner, Billy OConnor, David Patrick, Joel Gosse, Zachary Snowdon Smith Printer: Globe Direct/Boston Globe Media Millbury, MA Next deadline is September 6, 2013


Industrial Workers of the World

New South Wales Sydney GMB: Laura, del., Newcastle: Woolongong: Lismore: Queensland Brisbane: P.O. Box 5842, West End, Qld 4101. Asger, del., happyanarchy@riseup. net South Australia Adelaide:, www.wobbliesSA. org. Jesse, del., 0432 130 082 Victoria Melbourne: P.O. Box 145, Moreland, VIC 3058., www.iwwmelbourne. Loki, del., lachlan.campbell.type@ Geelong: Western Australia Perth GMB: P.O. Box 1, Cannington WA 6987. Bruce, del.,coronation78@hotmail. com


IW, Post Office Box 180195, Chicago, IL 60618, United States

ISSN 0019-8870 Periodicals postage paid Chicago, IL. Postmaster: Send address changes to IW, Post Office Box 180195, Chicago, IL 60618 USA SUBSCRIPTIONS Individual Subscriptions: $18 International Subscriptions: $30 Library/Institution Subs: $30/year Union dues includes subscription. Published monthly with the exception of February and August. Articles not so designated do not reflect the IWWs official position. Press Date: August 19, 2013

U.S. IW mailing address:

IWW Canadian Regional Organizing Committee (CANROC): Alberta Edmonton GMB: P.O. Box 75175, T6E 6K1., Gabriel Cardenas, del., 780-990-9081, British Columbia Vancouver GMB: 204-2274 York Ave., V6K 1C6. 604-732-9613. www. Vancouver Island GMB: Box 297 St. A, Nanaimo BC, V9R 5K9. http://vanislewobs.wordpress. com Manitoba Winnipeg GMB: IWW, c/o WORC, P.O. Box 1, R3C 2G1. New Brunswick Fredericton:, Ontario Ottawa-Outaouais GMB & GDC Local 6: 1106 Wellington St., P.O. Box 36042, Ottawa, K1Y 4V3., Ottawa Panhandlers Union: Karen Crossman, spokesperson, 613-282-7968, Peterborough: c/o PCAP, 393 Water St. #17, K9H 3L7, 705-749-9694. Sean Carleton, del., 705-775-0663, Toronto GMB: c/o Libra Knowledge & Information Svcs Co-op, P.O. Box 353 Stn. A, M5W 1C2. 416-919-7392. Max Bang, del., nowitstime610@ Windsor GMB: c/o WWAC, 328 Pelissier St., N9A 4K7. (519) 564-8036. http:// Qubec Montreal GMB: cp 60124, Montral, QC, H2J 4E1. 514268-3394.

Wales: British Isles Health Workers IU 610: Pizza Hut Workers IU 640: Sheffield Education Workers: London Bus Drivers: London Cleaners: Bradford GMB: Bristol GMB: Leeds GMB: London GMB: Manchester GMB: Nottingham: Reading GMB: Sheffield GMB: Sussex GMB: West Midlands GMB: York GMB: Scotland Clydeside GMB: Dumfries and Galloway GMB: Edinburgh GMB: Belgium Floris De Rycker, Sint-Bavoplein 7, 2530 Boechout, Belgium. German Language Area IWW German Language Area Regional Organizing Committee (GLAMROC): IWW, Haberweg 19, 61352 Bad Homburg, Germany. www. Austria:, Berlin: Offenes Treffen jeden 2.Montag im Monat im Cafe Commune, Reichenberger Str.157, 10999 Berlin, 18 Uhr. (U-Bahnhof Kottbusser Tor). Postadresse: IWW Berlin, c/o Rotes Antiquariat, Rungestr. 20, 10179 Berlin, Germany. Bremen: iwwbremen. Cologne/Koeln GMB: c/o Allerweltshaus, Koernerstr. 77-79, 50823 Koeln, Germany. Frankfurt GMB: IWW Sekretariat Mitgliederbetreung, Haberweg 19, D-61352 Bad Homburg+. Hamburg-Waterkant: Kassel: www.wobblies-kassel. de Munich: Rostock: Switzerland: Lithuania: Netherlands: Norway IWW: 004793656014., Twitter: @IWWnorge

United States


European Regional Administration (ERA): P.O. Box 7593 Glasgow, G42 2EX. ERA Officers, Departments, Committees Access Facilitator (disabilities issues): Communications Officer / Comms Dept Chair: GLAMROC Liaison: Internal Bulletin: International Solidarity Committee: international@iww. Literature Committee: Membership Administrator: Merchandise Committee: Organising and Bargaining Support Department: Research and Survey Department: / National Secretary: Support for people having trouble with GoCardless signup: IT Committee (all IT related enquiries): Training Department: National Treasurer: Regional Organisers Central England RO: Central Scotland RO: uk Northern England RO: Southern England RO: Southeast England RO:

Alaska Fairbanks: P.O. Box 72938, 99707. Chris White, del. Arizona Phoenix GMB: P.O. Box 7126, 85011-7126. 623-3361062. Flagstaff IWW: 206-327-4158, Arkansas Fayetteville: P.O. Box 283, 72702. 479-200-1859. California Los Angeles GMB: (323) 374-3499. iwwgmbla@gmail. com North Coast GMB: P.O. Box 844, Eureka 95502-0844. 707-725-8090, Sacramento IWW: P.O. Box 2445, 95812-2445. 916-8250873, San Diego IWW: 619-630-5537, San Francisco Bay Area GMB: (Curbside and Buyback IU 670 Recycling Shops; Stonemountain Fabrics Job Shop and IU 410 Garment and Textile Workers Industrial Organizing Committee; Shattuck Cinemas; Embarcadero Cinemas) P.O. Box 11412, Berkeley, 94712. 510-8450540. IU 520 Marine Transport Workers: Steve Ongerth, del., Evergreen Printing: 2412 Palmetto Street, Oakland 94602. 510-482-4547. San Jose:, www.facebook. com/SJSV.IWW Colorado Denver GMB: 2727 West 27th Ave., Unit D, 80211. 303355-2032. Four Corners (AZ, CO, NM, UT): 970-903-8721, 4corners@ DC DC GMB (Washington): 1027 18th St. NE #2, Washington, DC 20002. 202-630-9620. Florida Gainesville GMB: c/o Civic Media Center, 433 S. Main St., 32601. Robbie Czopek, del., 904-315-5292,,

Miami IWW: Hobe Sound: P. Shultz, 8274 SE Pine Circle, 33455-6608. 772-545-9591, Pensacola GMB: P.O. Box 2662, Pensacola 32513-2662. 840-437-1323,, www. Georgia Atlanta GMB: 542 Moreland Avenue, Southeast Atlanta, 30316. 404-693-4728 Hawaii Honolulu: Tony Donnes, del., Idaho Boise: Ritchie Eppink, del., P.O. Box 453, 83701. 208-3719752, Illinois Chicago GMB: P.O. Box 57114, 60657. 312-638-9155. Freight Truckers Hotline: mtw530@iww.orgv Indiana Indiana GMB: 219-308-8634. Facebook: Indiana IWW Celestial Panther Publishing IU 450 Job Shop: 317-4201025. Iowa Eastern Iowa IWW: 319-333-2476. EasternIowaIWW@ Kansas Greater Kansas City/Lawrence GMB: 816-875-6060. Wichita: Naythan Smith, del., 316-633-0591. Louisiana Louisiana IWW: John Mark Crowder, del.,126 Kelly Lane, Homer, 71040. 318-224-1472. Maine Maine IWW: 206-350-9130., www. Maryland Baltimore GMB: P.O. Box 33350, 21218. baltimoreiww@ Massachusetts Boston Area GMB: P.O. Box 391724, Cambridge, 02139. 617-863-7920,, Cape Cod/SE Massachusetts: Western Mass. Public Service IU 650 Branch: IWW, P.O. Box 1581, Northampton, 01061 Michigan Detroit GMB: 4210 Trumbull Blvd., 48208. detroit@ Grand Rapids GMB: P.O. Box 6629, 49516. 616-881-5263. Grand Rapids Bartertown Diner and Rocs Cakes: 6 Jefferson St., 49503., www. Central Michigan: 5007 W. Columbia Rd., Mason 48854. 517-676-9446, Minnesota Red River GMB:, redriveriww@gmail. com Twin Cities GMB: 3019 Minnehaha Ave. South, Suite 50, Minneapolis 55406. Duluth IWW: P.O. Box 3232, 55803. iwwduluth@riseup. net Missouri Greater Kansas City IWW: P.O. Box 414304, Kansas City 64141-4304. 816.875.6060. St. Louis IWW: P.O. Box 63142, 63163. stlwobbly@gmail. com Montana Construction Workers IU 330: Dennis Georg, del., 406490-3869, Billings: Jim Del Duca, 106 Paisley Court, Apt. I, Bozeman 59715. 406-860-0331. Nebraska Nebraska GMB: P.O. Box 27811, Ralston, 68127. Nevada Reno GMB: P.O. Box 12173, 89510. Paul Lenart, del., 775-513-7523, IU 520 Railroad Workers: Ron Kaminkow, del., P.O. Box 2131, Reno, 89505. 608-358-5771. ronkaminkow@ New Hampshire New Hampshire IWW: Paul Broch, del.,112 Middle St. #5, Manchester 03101. 603-867-3680 . New Jersey Central New Jersey GMB: P.O. Box 10021, New Brunswick, 08906. 732-692-3491. Bob Ratynski, del., 908-285-5426. New Mexico Albuquerque GMB: 202 Harvard Dr. SE, 87106. 505-2270206,

New York New York City GMB: 45-02 23rd Street, Suite #2, Long Island City,11101. www.wobblycity. org Starbucks Campaign: iwwstarbucksunion@gmail. com, Hudson Valley GMB: P.O. Box 48, Huguenot 12746, 845342-3405,, http://hviww.blogspot. com/ Syracuse IWW: Upstate NY GMB: P.O. Box 235, Albany 12201-0235, 518-833-6853 or 518-861-5627. www.upstate-nyiww. org,, Rochelle Semel, del., P.O. Box 172, Fly Creek 13337, 607-293-6489, Utica IWW: Brendan Maslauskas Dunn, del., 315-2403149. North Carolina Carolina Mountains GMB: P.O. Box 1005, 28802. 828407-1979. Greensboro GMB: P. O. Box 5022, 27435. 1-855-IWW-4GSO (855-499-4476). North Dakota Red River GMB:, redriveriww@gmail. com Ohio Mid-Ohio GMB: c/o Riffe, 4071 Indianola Ave., Columbus 43214. Northeast Ohio GMB: P.O. Box 141072, Cleveland 44114. 216-502-5325 Ohio Valley GMB: P.O. Box 6042, Cincinnati 45206, 513510-1486, Sweet Patches Screenprinting IU 410 Job Shop: Oklahoma Tulsa: P.O. Box 213, Medicine Park 73557, 580-529-3360 Oregon Lane GMB: Ed Gunderson, del., 541-743-5681. x355153@, Portland GMB: 2249 E Burnside St., 97214, 503-2315488., Portland Red and Black Cafe: 400 SE 12th Ave, 97214. 503-231-3899. www. Pennsylvania Lancaster IWW: P.O. Box 352, 17608. 717-559-0797. Lehigh Valley GMB: P.O. Box 1477, Allentown, 181051477. 484-275-0873. www. Paper Crane Press IU 450 Job Shop: 610-358-9496., Pittsburgh GMB: P.O. Box 5912,15210. 412-894-0558. Rhode Island Providence GMB: P.O. Box 5795, 02903. 508-367-6434. Tennessee Mid-Tennessee IWW: Lara Jennings, del., 106 N. 3rd St., Clarksville, 37040. 931-206-3656. Jonathan Beasley, del., 2002 Post Rd., Clarksville, 37043 931-220-9665. Texas El Paso IWW: Sarah Michelson, del., 314-600-2762. Golden Triangle IWW (Beaumont - Port Arthur): South Texas IWW: Utah Salt Lake City GMB: P.O. Box 1227, 84110. 801-8719057. Vermont Burlington GMB: P.O. Box 8005, 05402. 802-540-2541 Virginia Richmond IWW: P.O. Box 7055, 23221. 804-496-1568., Washington Bellingham: P.O. Box 1793, 98227. 360-920-6240. Tacoma GMB: P.O. Box 7276, 98401. Seattle GMB: 1122 E. Pike #1142, 98122-3934. 206-3394179. Wisconsin Madison GMB: P.O. Box 2442, 53701-2442. www. IUB 560 - Communications and Computer Workers: P.O. Box 259279, Madison 53725. 608-620-IWW1. Lakeside Press IU 450 Job Shop: 1334 Williamson, 53703. 608-255-1800. Jerry Chernow, del., jerry@ Madison Infoshop Job Shop:1019 Williamson St. #B, 53703. 608-262-9036 Just Coffee Job Shop IU 460: 1129 E. Wilson, Madison, 53703. 608-204-9011, Railroad Workers IU 520: 608-358-5771. railfalcon@ Milwaukee GMB: 1750A N Astor St., 53207. Trevor Smith, 414-573-4992 Northwoods IWW: P.O. Box 452, Stevens Point, 54481

September 2013 Industrial Worker Page 3

IWW History

By Steve Thornton Ben Legere had just turned 26 when he was convicted on riot charges during the Little Falls, N.Y. textile strike in 1912. But the frame-up did not stop the Wobbly from organizing workers as the authorities had desperately hoped. Once he began his sentence at the nearby Auburn Correctional Facility in 1913, Legere became a teacher at the prison school. Always the organizer, this young writer and activist taught other inmates about industrial unionism and revolutionary socialism, right under the wardens nose. Benjamin James Legere was born in Taunton, Mass., on May 30, 1887, the same year Albert Parsons and the other Haymarket martyrs were hanged. When they executed the Chicago anarchists, Legere came on the scene, he once said. So, serves them right, huh? Legeres father was French-Canadian and part Mikmaq First Nation who worked his way from Canada to New York, getting jobs as a logger, iron worker and finally, as a small farmer in Massachusetts. When his son Ben was 19 years old, he joined the Brotherhood of Railway Clerks and then moved to Bridgeport, Conn. He quickly hooked up with the Socialist Party (SP), speaking on street corners, chairing public meetings, and running for the citys Board of Alderman on the Socialist ticket. He became an active member of the Bridgeport Socialist Club, a smaller and more militant rival to the electoral-minded SP chapter. Socialist activity led him to the IWW. By 1911, Legere was helping to launch the Brotherhood of Machinists with Big Bill Haywood and Elizabeth Gurley Flynn. In early 1912, he and Matilda Rabinowitz (his movement partner and lover) were raising funds for the famous Bread and Roses strike in Lawrence, Mass. Legere was the only IWW man to crash a Lawrence City Hall meeting, at a considerable risk to his own safety, organized by the bosses to stir
The working class and the employing class have nothing in common. There can be no peace so long as hunger and want are found among millions of working people and the few, who make up the employing class, have all the good things of life. Between these two classes a struggle must go on until the workers of the world organize as a class, take possession of the means of production, abolish the wage system, and live in harmony with the earth. We find that the centering of the management of industries into fewer and fewer hands makes the trade unions unable to cope with the ever-growing power of the employing class. The trade unions foster a state of affairs which allows one set of workers to be pitted against another set of workers in the same industry, thereby helping defeat one another in wage wars. Moreover, the trade unions aid the employing class to mislead the workers into the belief that the working class have interests in common with their employers. These conditions can be changed and the interest of the working class upheld only by an organization formed in such a way that all its members in any one industry, or all industries if necessary, cease work whenever a strike or lockout is on in any department thereof, thus making an injury to one an injury to all. Instead of the conservative motto, A fair days wage for a fair days work, we must inscribe on our banner the revolutionary watchword, Abolition of the wage system. It is the historic mission of the working class to do away with capitalism. The army of production must be organized, not only for the everyday struggle with capitalists, but also to carry on production when capitalism shall have been overthrown. By organizing industrially we are forming the structure of the new society within the shell of the old.

Ben Legere: Long Distance Runner On The Left

up a large anti-union crowd. He came out all right, thanks to his calmness under the circumstances, reported the IWWs Justus Ebert. Legere harshly criticized the Bridgeport Socialist Party leadership for its lack of effort on behalf of the Lawrence strikers. The party finally offered a city council resolution of moral support after the strike had essentially been won. The workers in Lawrence needed no moral support, Legere wrote, their cause is so unquestionably just and moral in every way that to offer them moral support is bitter irony. In May, Legere was in Willimantic, Conn., helping to lead the successful Quidnick and American Thread Company mill strikes. Both fights had been inspired by the recent victory of the Lawrence workers. It was here he challenged American Federation of Labor (AFL) textile union leader John Golden to a debate on industrial unionism versus craft unionism. Golden had played a treacherous role in Lawrence and again in Willimantic, undermining the IWWs efforts and colluding with the bosses. Defend yourself on the charge that you are a disorganizer of labor instead of a labor organizer, Legere wrote to Golden, who did not respond. By August, Legere was speaking to an open-air mass meeting of at least 500 workers in Willimantics Lincoln Square. Up until this time, Legere self-identified as an industrial union socialist. Now he was a full-fledged Wobbly. In November 1912, Legere and Rabinowitz were called to the Little Falls strike. He was arrested along with at least a dozen strikers and organizer Philip Bocchino after the authorities broke up a peaceful parade in front of the Phoenix textile mill. He and Bocchino were sentenced to a year at hard labor. While in Auburn prison, the prison professor Legere received hundreds of labor and socialist magazines and books which he used as teaching tools. In six months we had made the prison school a

Matilda Rabinowitz.

Photo: Phoebe Legere

Ben Legere. Photo: International Socialist Review

center of revolutionary socialist and industrial union propaganda, Legere wrote. I found it easy to interest the prisoners in socialism, he continued. In fact, most of the prisoners there for crimes against property are men who, driven to rebel against the rigors of capitalist exploitation, naturally turn to burglary. Legeres teaching helped these men understand that there were more effective ways to challenge the system than by breaking and entering. After prison, he toured with an acting company through Canada and was once again thrown in jail. This time the crime was wearing an IWW pin on his coat. The authorities kicked him out of the country. Legeres time in Canada, however, exposed him to the One Big Union (OBU, a Canadian syndicalist trade union active primarily in the Western part of the country, not to be confused with the IWWs vision of one big union). He put all his energy into the Canadian unions formation. In 1922, he was back in Lawrence organizing mill workers under the OBU

IWW Constitution Preamble

he IWW is a union for all workers, a union dedicated to organizing on the job, in our industries and in our communities both to win better conditions today and to build a world without bosses, a world in which production and distribution are organized by workers ourselves to meet the needs of the entire population, not merely a handful of exploiters. We are the Industrial Workers of the World because we organize industrially that is to say, we organize all workers on the job into one union, rather than dividing workers by trade, so that we can pool our strength to fight the bosses together. Since the IWW was founded in 1905, we have recognized the need to build a truly international union movement in order to confront the global power of the bosses and in order to strengthen workers ability to stand in solidarity with our fellow workers no matter what part of the globe they happen to live on. We are a union open to all workers, whether or not the IWW happens to have representation rights in your workplace. We organize the worker, not the job, recognizing that unionism is not about government certification or employer recognition but about workers coming together to address our common concerns. Sometimes this means striking or signing a contract. Sometimes it means refusing to work with an unsafe machine or following the bosses orders so literally that nothing gets done. Sometimes it means agitating around particular issues or grievances in a specific workplace, or across an industry. Because the IWW is a democratic, member-run union, decisions about what issues to address and what tactics to pursue are made by the workers directly involved. TO JOIN: Mail this form with a check or money order for initiation and your first months dues to: IWW, Post Office Box 180195, Chicago, IL 60618, USA. Initiation is the same as one months dues. Our dues are calculated according to your income. If your monthly income is under $2000, dues are $9 a month. If your monthly income is between $2000 and $3500, dues are $18 a month. If your monthly income is over $3500 a month, dues are $27 a month. Dues may vary outside of North America and in Regional Organizing Committees (Australia, British Isles, German Language Area).

Join the IWW Today

banner. A number of cotton mills in Rhode Island and Massachusetts had instituted a 20 percent wage cut to workers pay in March, while the Lawrence bosses soon announced the drastic cut as well. This triggered Legeres reappearance in the city to organize a massive strike. In keeping with the IWWs Bread and Roses legacy a decade earlier, Legere led a mass picket in front of the citys largest employer, the Pacific Mill. The owners got an injunction against picketing, so Legere led strikers on a walk with him back to the mill. Once the Pacific Mill gave in and rescinded the pay cut, other area firms followed. After Lawrence, Legere was active in the SaccoVanzetti Defense Committee, as was most every other activist of his generation. By 1934, he was living in California, helping to lead Upton Sinclairs End Poverty in California (EPIC) movement and working as an actor with the United Labor Radio Campaign of 1935. Decades before the Chinese leader Mao Zedong wrote that revolution is not a tea party, Legere spoke to Willimantic mill workers and warned them that this fight for the uplifting of humanity is no pink teas engagement or afternoon party. Ben Legere, whom historian Dexter Arnold dubbed a long distance runner on the left, died on Jan. 29, 1972, having carried on the fight all his life.

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Page 4 Industrial Worker September 2013

Job Conditioning

By X350520 An important Wobbly concept is job conditioning. This is when workers slowly and subtly change the practices or the culture in their workplace, to their advantage. Job conditioning doesnt involve an explicit agreement with the boss to change workplace conditions. Its more like creating facts on the ground that make our job better. Because job conditioning doesnt involve an outright confrontation with the boss, usually even more timid coworkers will join in. It can build solidarity on the shop floor, change how everyone feels about going in to work and build up our confidence in relation to the boss. Here are some of my favorite memories of job conditioning: I worked part time in a mom-and-pop retail store, getting paid in cash. We had no water cooler, or fountain, or kitchen. Our only source of water was the tap in the bathroom, which was gross. However, we sold cases of bottled water. The owners helped themselves to these but never offered them to us. In the mornings on the way to my shift, I didnt have money for both a coffee and a water, so I just bought a coffee. Some days my thirst would overtake me, though, and I would cave and buy a bottle of water from the boss, noting it in my book where I recorded my hours, so that he could deduct it from my pay. One day my co-worker said that this was ridiculous; we shouldnt have to pay for water. So we started telling him when we were taking water, but forgetting to write it in our books. And then we just stopped telling him altogether. This let us stop agonizing over whether to drink some water when we were thirsty. I worked in one of those first class airline loungesthe private ones where the first class travelers get to chill before getting on their planes. Catering and janitorial services were contracted to Sodexo, which was the company that my coworkers and I worked for. We kept the bar stocked, put out cheese platters, cleaned the bathrooms, and so on. We didnt have a break room of our own. One day we heard we were getting a new manager. Before he came on the job, my co-workers and I installed a full-length mirror in his office and put a bunch of boxes of tampons in there. When he arrived we told him that his office doubled as our break room. To reinforce the point, my co-worker and I

ate our lunch in there every day, while playing cards on his desk. He got the point and started leaving when it was our break time. It was fun to pull one over on the boss and it was nice to have a break room. We also now had access to the companys labor manuals, which showed us all kinds of benefits we were supposed to be getting but werent. I worked a full-time, 9-to5 job for a government department. I was one of seven interns or entry-level young people there. We did things like answer letters from constituents using boilerplate formulas. We had plenty of work to do, and even more during politically heated times. We had a one-hour paid lunch break, but the more ambitious or more guilt-prone among us would work through it, eating at our desks. One particular co-worker was a friend of mine. I started insisting she come for lunch with me, using it as a chance for us to socialize and catch up. Then we started inviting more people to join us. Eventually, all seven of us would go for lunch for the full hour, every single day. Wed try out the restaurants nearby or chill in the park. Our workplace culture had changed so that everyone took the breaks we were entitled to, and our bosses couldnt pressure us to work through lunch because we simply werent there. Plus, we got a chance to build camaraderie and to talk about our bosses. Job conditioning can involve a lot of things, whether its appropriating more free stuff for yourself, getting some flexibility in your schedule, ensuring everyone gets their breaks, or pushing back on the constant supervision we often face on the job. You can start it on your own, or just involving one co-worker, and then radiate out from there. You can talk about your reasons for doing it with your co-workers, or just start doing it. But it can really make a difference in terms of how you relate to each other, and to your job. Its a way of making work a little more human, and its a subtle way of pushing back against the bosss power to dictate everything in the workplace. Once those facts on the ground are established workers will instinctively defend them. Were trained at work to think that the boss has all the power. Ultimately, job conditioning is a way of reminding both ourselves and the boss that we dont need them, they need us.

The Illusion Of Self-Employment In A Capitalist Economy

By X365097 Its considered a high honor in the American value system to open a business and be your own boss. From a Wobbly point of view, a problem with this idea, even for those who operate without employees and for worker-owners of cooperative enterprises (both of which categories qualify for IWW membership), is that the broader marketplace in which the business must operate is still almost entirely under the control of the capitalist 1%. What that means, first of all, is that the supposedly independent businessperson or persons must, in most cases, purchase tools, fuel, and other business supplies primarily from exploitative, monopolistic, for-profit entities. Also, for owner-operators whose industry is so consolidated that there are only a handful of customers to whom they can sell their goods and services, the lack of independence is even more pronounced. What a situation like that amounts to is the worker or group of workers must provide her/his/their own equipment, and yet there is still a powerful economic dependency. In effect, the controllers of the market remain a boss even for the supposedly self-employed and for workers who, within their workplace, have substituted the rule of an owner or manager with a cooperative system. The market-controlling 1%, by virtue of their sheer economic influence and power, are able to determine prices and set a number of other conditions that the workers, despite the certain degree of control they have asserted over the way that they work, must obey. Given this, it is clear that for such workers to remain disorganized and estranged from each other is for them to willingly accept the very sort of submission that the praise they receive from their communities for their self-employed status presumes that they have rejected. The IWW has a solution, which is for workers of all backgrounds to organize by industry into One Big Union governed by direct democracy and aimed at breaking the 1%s control over our economic lives. Workers today can embrace the illusion of independence and continue to be manipulated by the capitalist owning class, or unite to break its control over our labor and redirect production according to human need as determined through democratic processes. This is the purpose of the IWW: to agitate, educate, and organize all workers in the understanding that until all of us are free, none of us are free.

Graphic: Mike Konopacki

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September 2013 Industrial Worker Page 5

Wobbly & North American News

By John Kalwaic The International Longshore and Warehouse Union (ILWU) Local 10 in Oakland, Calif., pledged support for the National Justice for Trayvon Martin movement. There has been action around the country protesting the verdict of George Zimmerman, an armed vigilante judged not guilty in criminal court in Florida for the murder of 17-year-old Trayvon Martin. ILWU Local 10 is a fairly progressive, predominantly African American local that also pledged support for the cause of Oscar Grant when the African American man was shot by a Bay Area Rapid Transit (BART) transit officer in Oakland. The ILWU has promoted many causes including a 2007 May Day shutdown of the ports in protest of the invasion and

Longshore Union Promises Action For Trayvon Martin Work Stoppage & Hunger Strike At Pelican Bay Prison
By John Kalwaic In July, a work stoppage and a hunger strike took place at the Pelican Bay State Prison in California. Prisoners were engaging in civil disobedience and strikes against unfair conditions in the prison. Some of the major gangs such as Mexican Mafia, Nuestra Familia and the Black Guerrilla Family agreed to cease hostilities, and instead called for a hunger strike on July 8 to protest indefinite incarceration in solitary confinement. The prisoners suffer from the use of solitary confinement for the most minor of infractions as well as from group punishment, in which the warden punishes everyone in a supposed gang for one members infraction. The hunger strike and work stoppage came after the prison authorities failed to implement reforms that they promised after the first hunger strike at Pelican



Viva La Huelga!

occupation of Iraq. With files from

Bay in 2011. More than 30,000 prisoners participated in the strike this year. During both Pelican Bay hunger strikes, the current one as well as the one in 2011, the prisoners have demonstrated that people from different gangs and also different racial and ethnic backgrounds can join together to fight oppression. With files from the Los Angeles Times.

The Agricultural Strike At Sakuma Brothers Farms And The Tradition Of Oaxacan Resistance
By Brendan Maslauskas Dunn As workers walked past fields of strawberries and blueberries into a negotiation meeting in July with Sakuma Brothers Farms, Inc. management, they were told to accept managements terms or lose their jobs. This threat came amidst a heated strike of over 200 immigrant farm workers in Burlington, Wash., just north of Seattle. It is the second strike that the workers initiated over a list of demands over wages, dignity and respect. The strike started after the firing of farmworker Federico Lopez on July 10. Lopez and his co-workers believed he was targeted for bringing up grievances to his superiors. Some of the workers were listening to an interview of Rosalinda Guillen on a Spanish language radio show on a local radio station. They decided that they wanted her to assist them with their struggle at Sakuma Brothers Farms. Rosalinda Guillen works for Community to Community Development, a farm worker and food justice organization located near the Canadian border in Bellingham, Wash. She began working as a farm worker in Washington state in 1960, eventually joining Cesar Chavezs United Farm Workers (UFW). She became a leader in the bitter eight-year campaign to organize the workers at the Chateau Sainte Michelle Winery in the state which ended with a contract and victory for the workers in 1995. A rallying cry for the UFW in its early days became Viva la Huelga! as the strike and other disruptive tactics were often deployed by the workers in an industry where there was little labor protection. Like their forbearers in the UFW, these workers work and live in deplorable conditions. Sakuma Brothers Farms provides the workers with what the company calls cabins, which are really shacks. These small dwellings form labor camps where the workers and their families live in crowded, dirty conditions. The shacks are small, incredibly hot during the day, and cold at night. There is substandard furniture and mattresses, bedbugs are a recurring problem in the camps and bathrooms are located in a different area. Up to half of what workers make is deducted from their paychecks to pay off the debt they owe for the housing. Sometimes, there is barely enough money left over to pay for the gas they need to drive to work. Sakuma Brothers Farms is proof that company towns are not a thing of the past. Similar to business practices of companies that ran company towns years ago, the work itself is divided by ethnicity. The piece rate workers are mostly from Oaxaca, Mexico. Many of them dont speak Spanish but instead speak indigenous Mixtec and Triqui languages. Most supervisors are mestizo, the main crop supervisors are white and the executives are either Japanese or white. This stratification is nothing new in the agricultural industry but it is intentional. It is not uncommon for the indigenous piece rate workers to be derisively called oaxaquita, indio, and estupido. This abuse and intimidation compelled the workers to root a number of their demands in respect and dignity. The strike, after all, is about much more than wages. Rosalinda Guillen and others from Community to Community rushed to the defense of the workers, helping them craft a list of demands. Community to Community organizer Tomas Madrigal said that the wage is the most important demand, adding that there are a number of other important issues at stake. Sakuma Brothers Farms has a piece rate wage for the blueberries picked at 30 cents per pound. This makes it nearly impossible for the workers to make the states minimum wage of $9.19 an hour in an eighthour shift. They find themselves running through the fields, and rushing to pick as much as possible, only to fall far short of the minimum wage. Miners who work in the field are paid even less. The first strike was successful in reinstating Federico Lopez, pressuring management to remove a particularly abusive crew boss and getting management to look into issues of wage theft and negotiate a process to decide a better wage. They would not budge on much else, prompting the 200 workers to strike again. Union busting consultants were brought up from California to intimidate the workers, but the tactic failed to dissuade the workers from continuing with the strike and negotiations. The workers soon learned that management was looking into bringing up workers with H-2A visas, reserved for temporary or seasonal agricultural workers, for the August blueberry harvest. Madrigal believes that the company will use these workers as scabs in an attempt to break the strike. Its our analysis that the company will use the H-2A visa to go after this workforce. Many of the workers from Oaxaca have returned for the strawberry and blueberry harvest every season for the last several years. There was a strike in 2004 and another in 2011. The workers gained little from the strikes and many were fired for complaining of their treatment and low wages. This strike however may be different. Although Rosalinda Guillen and others from Community to Community have done much to assist the workers and participate in negotiations, organization within the workforce has existed for quite some time. The workers are still non-unionized

but are in effect acting as a union and taking bold actions that are rarely seen in the trade union movement today. It may sound surprising but the workers have no history or experience in union organizing. For people that say they never experienced organizing, they learned really quickly, said MadPhoto: Star Angelina Murray Some of the striking workers at rigal in an inter- Sakuma Brothers Farms. view. He continued by describing the democratic decision- named Ricardo Flores Magon traveled making process of the workers, calling it north of the border to stand up for digvery transparent. All major issues that nity and justice. He became one of the have to be decided on are translated into leaders, or anti-leaders, of the Mexithree languages. can Revolution. He joined the IWW and The workers recently decided to strike organized a multiracial fighting force to under the name Familias Unidas Para la venture into and fight in Mexico. Like Justicia (United Families for Justice) as the UFW, the IWW focused much of its they see the struggle of workers on the job work on organizing agricultural workers as a larger struggle for the living condi- in the early 1900s. The union set up the tions, dignity and justice of entire families. Agricultural Workers Organization to Because of the increased militarization of organize migrant farm workers in every the U.S.-Mexico border in recent years, kind of farm imaginable. In Washington many of these workers and their families state, the IWW organized in the fields, are here to stay. There are organizations docks and timber industry. that exist to assist Oaxacans and maintain There is hope that these farm worka connection with their home. One such ers, with no history of organization, may organization is the Frente Indgena Oax- find victory in their struggle, much like aquea Binacional (Oaxaca Indigenous the UFW at Chateau Sainte Michelle WinBinational Front). The Front and the strik- ery. Their Oaxacan native son, Ricardo ing workers met in July. The Front was Flores Magon, had this to say about the created in California in 1987 to connect conditions of Oaxacans and other Mexiindigenous Oaxacans all along the migra- cans in 1910: tory labor route from Oaxaca to the Pacific While the poor acquiesce to being Northwest. The network established by the poor, while the oppressed acquiesce to Front is as much a political and economic being slaves there will be no liberty, there one as it is cultural. will be no progress. But when discord Oaxaca, after all, is a place of political tempts the hearts of the humble, when renewal and revolt. It was there that an it comes and tells them that while they uprising occurred in 2006. Initially trig- suffer their masters rejoice, and that we gered by a teachers strike, a popular upris- all have a right to rejoice and to live, the ing developed and the Popular Assembly passions then blaze and they destroy of the Peoples of Oaxaca (or APPO as it and create at the same time, ravage and is abbreviated in Spanish) was formed. cultivate, demolish and build. Blessed be The APPO helped create a form of direct discord! democracy and self-government in Oaxaca The hearts of the humble Familias during the uprising. The bordering state Unidas Para la Justicia at Sakuma Brothof Chiapas is home to the Zapatistas who ers Farms are attempting to demolish the rose up in 1994 after they declared that the dismal conditions of their labor. In doing North American Free Trade Agreement this they are cultivating a newer and more (NAFTA) was a death sentence to the in- democratic form of work through their digenous people of Mexico. Is it possible strike. Viva la Huelga! is the call of the that although the striking workers in the hour. And although victory currently Pacific Northwest are 3,000 miles away hangs in the balance, there is much the from their home and similarly detached labor movement can learn from these from the social movements there, that striking workers and the long tradition of there is some continuity of struggle, of struggle they come from in Oaxaca. standing up for justice against great odds? For more information, updates and to Over 100 years ago, another Oaxacan donate, visit

Page 6 Industrial Worker September 2013


IWW Returns To The Railroad With ULP Strike

in every weather condition imaginable in the Windy City. The workers at Mobile Rail Solutions service engines, so their job entails bringing oil, water, traction sand and sanitary service to train engines. Cleaning, maintenance and welding are also part of the job. In the last year, management cut back the Photo: IWW Mobile Rail Workers Union hours of workers Continued from 1 who had been with the company longer, organizing was something entirely differ- and shifted from two-person crews to ent from what he was used to. one-person crews, making the work much When youre organizing power with a more difficult and dangerous. In April, the different type of target (e.g. environmental company announced that workers would struggles), the only repercussions are with have to buy their own safety equipment. corporations, said Owen. He was quick to To add insult to injury, the company has add that with workplace organizing, things a history of favoring white workers with become more risky when you are fighting promotions and higher wages, sometimes the people that hold power to your food $6 more an hour than the majority Black and clothing. Organizing and struggle, and Latino workforce. With these condiand the risks involved with it, become tions, it should be no surprise that there tangible realities on a day-to-day basis. is a constant revolving door on the job. Some of these realities have unravThe IWW seemed like a natural fit eled in painful ways for the workers. Rail for the workers. I like the do-it-yourself yards are dangerous places to work, with model. If people form their own union, engines and trains going in every direction, they wont have that pie in the sky con-

Continued from 1 many. Interestingly, however, the collectives union-busting strategies are disturbingly similar to the last public campaign of the Twin Cities IWW, which was at a local Jimmy Johns fast food franchisedespite the difference in mission, structure and culture of the businesses. As members of the IWW and the enduring Jimmy Johns Workers Union (JJWU), we feel the need to identify these common strategies for busting unions and the ways they have been used by both Jimmy Johns and the collective at Sisters Camelot. Our hope is that this perspective will help clarify the present situation and encourage the collective and supporters of Sisters Camelot to recognize the SCCU as a positive force capable of improving the sustainability and integrity of the organization that our communities value so enormously. At Jimmy Johns, workers organized under the radar, building the committee and taking action on the shop floor from early 2007 until September 2010, when the JJWU announced itself to management. Shortly thereafter, we filed for a union certification election with the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) to force our bosses to negotiate with us. During this period, our union experienced a barrage of union-busting tactics by the bosses and their paid anti-union consultants. Fortunately, the IWW has already consolidated decades of experience into organizer trainings that provide workers with an idea of what to expect from an anti-union drive, and its surprisingly consistent in any kind of shop. With the strike and subsequent anti-union efforts unfolding at Sisters Camelot, we recognized immediately the eerily similar actions and statements made by the collective and their supporters. After the retaliatory firing of one union canvasser, we both became alarmed and felt the urgent need to draw attention to these commonalities between the management team at our corporate franchise and the collective at this non-profit organization. We want to

The Parallels Between The Sisters Camelot & Jimmy Johns Anti-Union Campaigns: Part 1
encourage our community members and others sympathetic to non-profit missions to analyze this struggle in terms of class, which has been something most have failed to do. This can be challenging because of the emotional connections many in the community have to the organization, its mission, and to collectivism as a radical endeavor. But the reality of the situation is clear: an organization cannot be anti-authoritarian when it defends its own stark hierarchies. Here we have listed some of these common union-busting strategies, and below we discuss the ways in which they have been used both at Jimmy Johns and at Sisters Camelot. We were surprised and disappointed to hear them from the Sisters Camelot collective, but that only reaffirms their position as bosses and makes clear the need for the canvassers to stand strong as a union. A few of the things bosses will say include: Unions have a place but not at our workplace. This business is like a family and is different than most companies. This is the first we have heard of your concerns. If we had known, we would have gladly made things better. You can use existing ways to engage with the business so we can fix problems by working together. We will do things to show our appreciation of you and make it easier for you to come to us. We are workers, too. We have worked hard to build this business and deserve your respect. Your organizing is hurtful to us. We are victims of your organizing. This union drive could cause the business to close. We simply cant afford to have a union. The IWW is an aggressive organization with scary politics that is using you to achieve its political agenda. They will harass you and trick you. We can protect you from them. There is a certain individual that is causing problems for all of us. They are hostile, manipulative and disruptive, and they are destroying our relationship with you. They have ulterior motives. We will all be better off without them. and finally The Dirty Truth: The Bosses Will Lie. Unions have a place but not at our workplace. We call this the not in my backyard excuse. Bosses will often attempt to legitimize their anti-union position by claiming that they have experience with unions or support unions for certain jobs or in certain kinds of workplaces. They explain to workers that a union is not appropriate at their workplace or that they dont need one because they are different or because they have a unique opportunity to work together. Even at Jimmy Johns, a franchise of a corporation, claimed this by saying that it was a certain kind of work for a certain kind of people. At Sisters Camelot, the managing collective has also stated they are not anti-union and that they wish to find an alternative solution to the labor strife in the organization, one which does not jeopardize their collective values. They think they are somehow different or unique enough that a union is not needed. Of course, Sisters Camelot and Jimmy Johns are different, but not in a way that means its workers should not organize themselves. In fact, based on its mission, Sisters Camelot should be more willing to negotiate in order to support social justice for workers. Failing to do so is hypocritical and defends hierarchies within the workplace. Our bosses at Jimmy Johns said we werent a real union, and one manager even accused the union members of being a bunch of alcoholics too lazy to get real jobs. Ironically enough, Rob Czernick, a supporter of the collective, stated in a collective meeting that he supported real workers and real unions, not a bunch of people who work a couple days a week for party money. When we heard this, we had a very eerie feeling of dj vu.

cept, said Owen. He noted that work- ately need help with the strike fund. Located just north of Chicago, a city ers often view trade unions, or business unions, as saviors, even though they take that gave birth to the IWW in 1905, the dues, they dont fight for you; they just eight-hour workday, the Haymarket sit there. Owen also found that the role martyrs and so much else that shaped the of a worker-organizer, as opposed to an landscape of labor and social movements outside paid organizer that many busi- in the United States, the IWW Mobile Rail ness unions rely on, helped in forming a Workers Union has much to offer in a way legitimately democratic and grassroots forward for railroad workers. There is no union and with it more solidarity and trust telling what the success of the IWW will mean for the broader railroad industry. between the workers. To support these fellow workers, With the democratic nature of the IWW also comes the much larger picture please donate to the strike fund: http:// of industrial unionism. In an industry that a workforce carved up by multiple rail-workers-strike-fund. Stay tuned to unions that are shackled to the interests of business by no-strike clauses in their con- for updates. tracts, the IWW offers a model that cuts down the divisions created by different trades by encouraging workers to act as a class with common interests. Because of the unique role these Wobblies play in their industry, locomotives that were not serviced continued to pile up in several Chicago rail yards in the first day of the strike. Sam Green emphasized that the union is planning for the long haul and we desper- Day 4 of the strike on Aug. 4. Photo: IWW Mobile Rail Workers Union

In reality, unions are for all workers. In particular, the IWW doesnt shy away from supporting workers in any job, including those who are in low-paying and precarious jobs like fast food or contracted positions. Every worker has the right to organize with other workers in order to improve their working conditions and to challenge power imbalances in the workplace, including the canvassers at Sisters Camelot. This business is like a family and is different than most companies. In many ways, Sisters Camelot is very different from most businesses. It is a non-profit organization, has a mission that uses direct action to support poor communities, and supports healthy living on a healthy planet. It is also managed by a collective which is deeply involved with and committed to certain kinds of work done by the organization. Of course, it is still a business and, like most other business, has bosses. Bosses control hiring and firing, determine the terms and conditions of work including pay, and control how the work is organized. At Jimmy Johns, there is a hierarchy of bosses that includes assistant and general managers, area managers, owners, corporate auditors, and Jimmy himself. Sisters Camelot operates differently, with its collective serving as a management team that makes decisions based on consensus. While this is applauded by many radicals for various reasons (and is a process we both value under certain circumstances), it doesnt change the fact that the canvassers are excluded from the decision-making process entirely. While canvassers can attend meetings and voice their opinions, they have no vote. This puts them in an uncomfortable and vulnerable position that creates a power differential that operates just like the one we experience at Jimmy Johns, where we feel left out, ignored, and disrespectednot like a family. Note: Part 2 will appear in the October Industrial Worker.

September 2013 Industrial Worker Page 7


Reviving A Working-Class Tradition At Work Peoples College

By X370471 From 1921 to 1941, the IWW had an official school, dubbed Work Peoples College (WPC), in Duluth, Minn. During the course of its 20 years of existence, hundreds of workers attended the school and learned how to be effective and militant organizers. In 2012, the tradition of WPC was revived, and this year the IWW held its second consecutive WPC at Mesaba Co-op Park in Hibbing, Minn. From July 12 through July 16, over 100 rank-and-file Wobblies from across the United States and Canada converged at one of Minnesotas 10,000 lakes for the 2013 IWW Work Peoples College. Here they partook in a tradition that runs deep in the IWW, the building of militant, working-class organizers prepared to bring about real change in the world. The WPC has been resurrected from its slumber in order to strengthen IWW branches by equipping a new, diverse generation of leaders with the tools they need to fight and win the next battles in the class struggle. Though not enough time has yet passed to be able to fully realize the effect of the 2013 WPC on the class struggle, I believe that time will show its merit. Despite this, just the high spirits of many Wobblies upon returning to their branches following WPC is promising unto itself. In the words of one of this years participants: Its amazing how less tolerant you are of your bosss mouth, your first day back to work after attending the WPC. But how exactly does WPC promote and achieve these goals? First, WPC is set up as a five-day intensive training program that any organizer, experienced or not, can learn much from. From 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. each day, the attendees were in workshops. These great workshops covered a variety of topics including Dismantling Patriarchy & Capitalism; Membership Development; Strike/Strike Solidarity; Branch Administration; Labor Law 102; Media; Power/ Privilege on the Committee; and so on. These workshops are continually being developed and refined and new workshops are bound to appear. WPC 2013 also featured some guest speakers from struggles around the world, including representatives of the Association pour une Solidarit Syndicale tudiante (ASS), a student union federation, which recently won a largescale fight against tuition hikes in Qubec (if youre interested in student syndicalism and are a student, make sure to check out the Montral Student Movement Convention 2014, as well as the work of Ellen David Friedman, who spoke about workers struggles in China). The other essential Photo: X370471 ingredient that WPC used to achieve its goals was a healthy degree of rest. The class struggle is hard work. Most of us have seen a fellow worker get burnt out; perhaps we have even experienced burnout ourselves. Instead of promoting the burnout of the most committed among us, WPC is wise enough to encourage a healthy approach to organizing wherein organizers

Wobblies on canoes.

Photo: X370471

Life-Long Wobblies

work hard, but also make sure that they take an ample amount of rest time. The time spent simply socializing with fellow workers from all over the United States and Canada is a rejuvenating experience, allowing participants to re-enter the class struggle at full strength upon returning to their respective branches. The friendships built at WPC will, with all luck, last for a lifetime of struggle. WPC ran parallel to the Junior Wobblies summer camp as well. The Junior Wobblies summer camp is a great way for parents to be able to attend WPC parallel to their children. The exploits of this years Junior Wobs included occupying a paper airplane factory, attracting the attention of a group of fascist strike breakers. When the fascists attempted to take the paper airplane factory from the workers, the Junior Wobblies constructed a formidable barricade and repelled the fascist force with a bitter water balloon

fight. It goes without saying that the stalwart effort of the Junior Wobblies carried the day and saved the WPC! In my humble opinion, WPC was a success, and it is only bound to get better. Needless to say, WPC is a great experience and I encourage any Wobbly to attend and add more tools to their tool belt. Try to get a spot at the 2014 WPC! There is limited space, though provisions are made to allow at least two dedicated people from each branch to attend as of now. In addition to the WPC in Minnesota, there is also a WPC in Europe planned for summer 2014! Like all things though, the operation of this great union function requires money. Please consider donating or joining the Committee of 100 through their website, As Big Bill Haywood used to end his letters: help the work along. And a great way to do so is to make sure that the WPC continues as a union tradition.

already in full bloom: its the Junior Wobblies! A youth and family component to the IWW addresses an infinite amount of concerns, and is fun too. The first Junior Wobblies camp took place last summer, July 1 through July 5, 2012, at Mesaba. The Junior Wobblies camp is run by parents, counselors and increasingly by the Junior Wobblies themselves. Junior Wobblies programming runs at the same time as Work Peoples College workshops, giving Wobbly parents the opportunity to participate in Junior Wobblies activities, attend workshops or do a combination of both! For this years Junior Wobblies camp, we dreamt up an extended role play to get the kids doing the principles of the IWW. We did this by preparing a Spanish Revolution theme and using living history playing dress-up and reenacting (an inspired version of) Spanish Civil War history. We tied the activities Photo: Erik Davis WPC participants relax. together with the idea that the kids were an anarchist youth collective buildContinued from 1 and supporting Wobbly parents; finding ing toward the revolution of 1936. We life partners and maintaining those rela- discussed regimentation and racism in the tionships; overcoming burnout, mild and schools. We discussed how boring robot severe depression, drug and alcohol abuse, schools prepare kids for boring robot and mental illness; struggling with work, jobs. We practiced breaking down racial criminal records, lack of money or jobs, barriers and standing up to bullies. We housing problems, prison, deportation, worked in a mind-numbing paper airplane retirement; and more. As we invent col- plant and had silent agitators encourage lective solutions to these highly personal other youth to fight for the good things in problems, we are forced to be honest with life: Stop cleaning the litter box and read! ourselves about what it really takes to be a NoSleep! YesSwim! Eat the rich and your pizza! Stand up to the bullies life-long revolutionary. and join the Junior Wobblies! Capitalism sucks!! Join the Junior Wobblies! Junior Wobblies As we examined various collective We sewed red-and-black neckerchiefs and solutions to life planning, we discovered practiced union songs. And we defeated that the single best long-term plan is the fascists at the barricades thanks to

disciplined production of water balloon munitions and the creativity, unity and spirit of the workers in battle. Instead of instructing the kids in politics, the trick was to get them to feel what we feel as class-conscious workers. By using living history, role plays and interactive scenarios, the kids get to use their own thinking to arrive at their own conclusions. Simulations such as the barricade activity allow people to make mistakes and learn from them ahead of time while preparing for the real thing. Many of the kids wont fully grasp the ideology behind the barricade activity, but they will remember the experience, the process and how it made them feel. The adventure of fighting alongside the union and the Junior Wobblies against these people called fascists and then singing Solidarity Forever and A las Barricadas in triumphthese are not political ideas. They are visceral sensations that will stay with them for a long time. The secret is that adults need to have multi-sensory experiences, too. Adults learn the same way children do; its just less embarrassing if we can pretend the dress-up is for the kids. Educating children, or adults, in IWW values is not about convincing ourselves intellectually. Its about creating experiences that engender the positive feelings of solidarity and cooperation while practicing good habits like befriending people who are different than you and standing up to the bullies

together. The Junior Wobblies talked about how we needed to demonstrate the principle of solidarity by helping each other and having each others backs while showing each other kindness and respect if we were going to organize successfully for the revolution. The Junior Wobblies lived the principle of solidarity all week long. Older kids helped younger kids participate in activities. Veteran Junior Wobblies helped new recruits learn the ropes at Mesaba, and the kids took care of each other if one of them was hurt or upset. Its easy to feel a sense of solidarity when working with the Junior Wobblies, and supporting our union parents is the best way to transform the IWW into the organization we all want to see. The New IWW At Mesaba this year, and in every branch, we have ample real-world evidence of the phenomenon of life-planning or the lack thereof. We had organizers who were stressed out, broken down, and burning out fast. We also had fellow workers who were working their plan, staying healthy, and Photo: Warren CE supporting others to do the same. But the days of leaving our members to sink or swim on their own are coming to an end. As a union, we must find collective solutions to the challenges our members face. The more we transition to a family-oriented, healthy-habit, long-term-planning IWW the better we are going to be at building and sustaining life-long Wobblies.

Page 8 Industrial Worker September 2013


Wu Ming Express Values, Desires For A Better World

Wu Ming. Altai. Italy: Einaudi, 2009. Paperback, 411 pages, $17.15.

like it and I worried that he wouldnt. When I asked what he thought of it he said, Awesome book. Seriously aweBy Nate Hawthorne some, I couldnt put it down. Good Wu Minga pseudonym for a group taste runs in the family. of Italian authorssometimes describe I just read Altai, Wu Mings newthemselves as a band, just a band that est novel. Altai is also the name of a makes novels instead of albums. What- falcon used in hunting. If I knew what ever you call it, the key bit is that these kind of sound those birds make when people write together and what they write excited, and I knew how to type out that is awesome. Wu Ming themselves have a sound, I would do so now. I hope it suffascinating history, which is so interesting fices to say hell yeah. This is a great it would take up too much room here to book. (Dont tell my dad but Altais do it justice, crowding out the book, but I gonna be his birthday gift this year.) encourage you to check out the Wikipedia Altai picks up after Q and the entry on them. Pay particular attention to central character of Qa German the account of the Luther Blissett Project. radical who passed through many an Also I should mention that the group uprisingappears in Altai as well. remains active in the Italian far left after The books main character is a spy for many years, which means they write from Venice who is set up to take a fall for a place of outrage at injustice and desire political purposes right at the novels for a better world. beginning and ends up working for his All of their work that has been trans- former enemies. I dont want to spoil lated into English is historical fiction. any of the plot points so let me just say Wu Mings novels Manituana, about that he undergoes important personal Native Americans who transformations and side with the British durbecomes embroiled in Wu Ming. Graphic: ing the American war of further intrigue and ly in Constantinople, contemporary named Ismail, the revolutionary who was independence, and Q, military expeditions. about peasant revoluAltai is a spy novel, Istanbul. As Istanbuls been the scene of the main character in Q, argues that the tionaries during the Protfull of gripping suspense vile repression and heroic protest lately, it methods used in a struggle shape its goals: estant Reformation in and tension. Theres seems to me that the publication of Altai If you want to catch a hare, whether you Germany, are two of my enough mystery to cap- in English is appropriately timed. While hunt it with hounds or with a falcon, on all-time favorite books. tivate, but it never gets the earlier book, Q, had more scenes of foot or on horseback, it will always be a I gave Q to my dad for confusing. And while ordinary people in rebellion than Altai, hare. Freedom, on the other hand, never Christmas a few years there are militant mo- Altai is still concerned with issues of remains the same; it changes according to ago. My dad has a high ments, this is not a book power and social change. If the world is the way you hunt. And if you train dogs to school education, works that glorifies warfar a chess board, we are the front row, the catch it for you, you may just bring back in construction and is from it. The book ex- pawns, and they the back row, the kings, a doggy kind of freedom. The novels definitely not a radical. I presses a profound skep- queens, bishops, who are willing to see us narrator, as a spy, then former spy, then love the guy but we dont ticism that military mea- suffer and die for petty rivalry and profit. spy for another master, is not a dog. Hes have a lot in common. I sures can achieve human Except at its edges, Altai doesnt depict a kind of falcon, with more freedom and really wanted to have this liberation, and rightly so people in rebellion against their positions, sophistication than a hunting dog. And but rather it focuses on the people in power yet, falcons are leashed and hooded by novel in common with in my view. Graphic: him so I wanted him to The book is set large- and the terrible things they are willing to the hunters who own them, and huntdo. The sympathies of the novel, however, ers set their agenda and take the results lie with the pawns, or with the movements of the hunt. The narrator finds a limited that aim to kick the board off the table and kind of freedom and fulfilment via playing begin a new game altogether. that role, but at significant cost. He tells The book is resonant with the present Ismail, Machiavelli wrote that you must Nagara, Innosanto. A is for Activist. moment as well because of the central role keep your eye on the end, not the means. Oakland: Kupu Kupu Press, 2012. that Jewish identity, anti-Semitism and Ismail replies, Over the years Ive learned Board book, 28 pages, $8.99. struggles for a Jewish homeland play in that the means change the end. Perhaps the novel. I would describe the novel as the difference between dogs and altai is not By Zakk Flash anti-Zionist and anti-racist, which is to so great; if our route to freedom involves For radical parents, it sometimes say, certainly not anti-Semitic. This theme hoods and leashes, it may end up not being feels like the deck is stacked when it is obviously relevant to the present given the freedom we wanted. comes to kids media that represents continuing conflicts and tensions, as well Altai is a rich novel and not a simprogressive values. Childrens books as popular rebellions, in the Middle East plistic political fable, so I dont want to often tokenize girls, depend on steand the role of Israel and U.S. support for reduce the book to a simple set of political reotypes, and push kids into fulfilling Israel in shaping that region. lessons. Instead, I would like to end by narrow gender roles. Diverse families I often feel unsophisticated as a talking about the importance of stories like are hard to findmost mainstream reader of fiction (I read for enjoyment, this. As radicals, I think we need stories kids books feature all white kids livnot profundity), so Im not totally sure that express our values, both our hopes ing with two heterosexual parents. For about this, but I think the falcon, the Altai and our outrages, our desires for a better those who want to help raise feminist, of the novels title and a few scenes, is a world and our rejection of this world. Wu cooperative, anti-racist, and antisymbol. At one point in Altai, a character Ming writes those kinds of stories. authoritarian children, the challenge can be daunting. Innosanto Nagara, a founding member of Design Action Collective, a worker-owned cooperative design studio in Oakland, wanted a book to teach his son the ABCsand the prinGraphic: ciples that drove his activism. It was Subscribe or renew your Industrial Worker subscription. important to me that the book be one that audience. But the opportunity to re-read I too would enjoy reading over and over as children grow and explain the concept Give a gift that keeps your family or friends thinking. not something Id want to hide after day of, say, May Day, is exactly what Nagara was looking for. I wanted this book for the three, even if my son loved it, he said. Get 10 issues of working class news and views for: The result? An abecedarium called quieter, more intimate time I spend with US $18 for individuals. A is for Activist. This ABC board book my child, he says. US $24 for library/institutions. While this is truly a book to be celcaptivates, educates, and agitates the US $20 for international subscriptions. ebrated in the home, it has garnered children that activists raise. Far from the usual fare that kids some very public praise. Author Naomi Name: ____________________________________________________________ readstories of helpless (anorexic) prin- Klein called the book full of wit, beauty, cesses being saved by rich (white) men and fun! Medea Benjamin, co-founder Address:__________________________________________________________ on horsesNagara brings a simple book of Global Exchange and Code Pink, said City/State/Province:______________________________________________ with complex underlying meaning, weav- the book gave a message that is sure to Zip/Postal Code:_ _ ____________________________________________________________ ing mentions of the Occupy movement, resonate with kids, who have an innate LGBTQ rights, unionism, feminism and sense of fairness. Send this subscription form to: For progressive activists, this book Malcolm X with gorgeous illustration. Like any other ABC book, alliteration provides an opportunity to foster that Industrial Worker Subscriptions, acts as an anchor, keeping little ears at- sense of fairness. Parents who want to PO Box 180195, Chicago, IL 60618 USA tuned to the storys message. The rhyme raise their kids to raise their fists would schemes are fun, even if some of the con- do well to get them started with A is for Subscribe to the Industrial Worker today! cepts seem outside the grasp of a young Activist.

Book For Kids On ABCs Of Activism

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September 2013 Industrial Worker Page 9


Building A Solidarity Network Is Harder Than It Seems

Build Your Own Solidarity Network. Seattle Solidarity Network, 2011. Pamphlet, 44 pages. Available online: http://libcom. org/library/you-say-you-want-buildsolidarity-network. By R. Spourgitis The Seattle Solidarity Network (SeaSol) is a workers and tenants mutual support organization that fights for specific demands using collective direct action. SeaSol has a dedication to direct action and emphasis on empowering workers and tenants, and they have a very high success rate. Given this, the SeaSol Model seems to embody an inspiring new mode of class struggle for the increasingly precarious working class, so it is no wonder it has been exported all over the world and become a popular project for many anarchists and other anti-capitalists in particular. The 2011 pamphlet Build Your Own Solidarity Network, written by SeaSol members Cold B and T Barnicle details SeaSols strategy for taking on fights (the pamphlet is online at library/you-say-you-want-build-solidarity-network). In November 2010 a group of us in Iowa City, Iowa, began forming a solidarity network. Thinking strategically about what you can or cannot accomplish in a project, and the steps taken to get there, were not things I was used to when we started our own solidarity network. Building a solidarity network was part of an important shift in my politics. It meant going from issue-based activism and oneoff campaigns or protests to direct action work on immediate economic demands at the point of exploitation. This work aligns with IWW practice. The descriptions of demand-delivery and section titled Agitate Educate Organize will be familiar to those who have been through the Organizer Training 101. The guide has nuts-and-bolts information about group-based tasking and organization, which many of us spend years learning the hard way. Granted, only reading about it falls short of doing it, but the importance of these lessons should not be understated. Seemingly small items like encouraging group members to take on key tasks, following up with them, and running efficient, well-moderated meetings are necessary to a functioning organization of any sort, and it is refreshing to see this plainly laid out. My experience building a solidarity network in Iowa City differed substantially from what was described by the SeaSol organizers in this pamphlet. There were difficulties we did not anticipate, and while we did not expect to adapt the model whole cloth to our area and be immediately successful, there were recurrent issues that hampered our ability to build fights from the network that the pamphlet does not address. I suspect that our experiences with this solidarity network model are not wholly unique and I hope that others will write more about their experiences with these types of projects so that we may refine our strategies and tactics. In Iowa City, we experienced tensions within the solidarity network model and these experiences are probably similar to others who have not had the successes with this model that Seattle has. requires at least some legal knowledge of tenants and workers rights. In Iowa City, not having much familiarity with the specifics of our state and local law, particularly housing, quickly became a problem. We realized early that we needed to know if what people were contacting the solidarity network about could be built into a fight, and the law was a factor in this. Through online research we found relevant housing code and labor law information to our area. We then produced a booklet that went into an on-call book of sorts, with a notepad for peoples information, and a list of area aid agencies. The vast majority of our calls were housing relatedaround 90-95 percent of them. It became apparent that the tenants contacting us were usually not experiencing illegal actions on the part of their landlords, such as refusal to renew leases, hiking rents with lease renewals, giving bad referrals or threatening to call the police for minor infractions. In our area these are legal actions, even as they are terribly exploitative and oppressive for these tenants. As the SeaSol model is based on being winnable, this meant not taking on these cases. The emphasis on taking on winnable fights in effect translated to fighting against illegal actions and it was rare that this was blatantly the case. ...the activists who started the project did not have to see ourselves as something separate from the group we wanted to organize. We were part of that group. The solidarity network model seeks to embody the principle of solidarity not charity. The fact that we work together as fellow tenants and workers to put pressure on those bosses and landlords screwing us over, instead of mediating through official channels, is a powerful thing. In practice, I found this is somewhat misleading about the realities of this work. Contrary to the principle underlying the model, we often fell into a distinctively service-led approach. None of the organizers workplaces or housing situations were built into fights, and so instead of fighting where we live and work, we ended up trying to assist others to fight where they live and work. We encouraged those who contacted us to become involved in the network, but this was never sustained beyond a meeting or two. One lesson here may be that when an individual meets with a network devoted to resolving their grievanceeven if this network has a combative class-struggle approachhe or she is not unfairly expecting specialists of some kind. If the network explains that it does not specialize in this particular grievance, that does not change what the individual is expecting from that network. This service role was exactly what most people who contacted us expected from us. It was notable that when we told contacts we want to follow their lead and described the demand delivery and escalating tactics approach, there was a sudden drop-off in interest. Although the authors of the SeaSol pamphlet say people who have taken the initiative to contact us are more likely to be people who are prepared to play an active role in a campaign, our experience was almost anything but this. There were a handful of people we met with who had very clear, winnablesounding fights. In these instances, the individual either handled it themselves or went through another channel to resolve his or her grievance. There were also those who contacted us and we waited too long to respond. Sometimes, we followed up with them immediately and never heard back. Given the immediacy of their need and seriousness of the living situation, it was understandable that we were not always equipped to help, even in a charitable, serviceled capacity. It should be pointed out that we were aware of these problems at the time. We worked on improving our response time. We did some of the things suggested in the guide, such as changing the wording on our flyers and flyering more consistently. Since we seemed to get many people in tough situations but which we couldnt help, we changed them from saying Problems with your landlord? to Stolen deposits or unmade repairs? This did not have an appreciable difference in the type or volume of calls we would receive. Being that so many of the contacts were renting units in apartment complexes, something we discussed was the need to build collective action with committees of tenants from the apartmentsmuch like described in the Inside Organizing section at the end of the guide. Unfortunately, we never connected with a single tenant willing or able to build such a committee, let alone a group of them. This is not to say those tenants are not out there, but they did not contact us. Our area is like many places in the United Statesthere are no tenants unions or associations. There is a Housing Authority directly complicit with the police and the major property management companies, and a handful of neighborhood associations devoted to immediate need programming and state social workers. As a result, there is little to no recourse for the injustices dealt to tenants. I have to wonder if such a lack of social services and mediation, as disempowering and meager as they are, differs from other places and led us to be expected as another service. Additionally, our immediate region is undergoing big changes in its racial composition. As gentrifying efforts have stepped up in major metro areas, recent years have seen an increase in Black and Latino residents in Iowa City (67 percent and 97 percent increases respectively between 2000-2010). There is a more complicated picture behind these demographic shifts and their causes and effects than I can do justice to in this brief review. Still, it is clear that for many new residents to the area that the structural racism of local power is felt from the police, schools, city services, and, of course, in housing. I illustrate this local context because nearly all of the few contacts we met with were Black women. Conversely, our solidarity network was made up of a majority male, entirely white grouping. This is not intended to lament our groups dynamics or to advocate retreating into inaction based on white guilt, but it would be dishonest to omit such marked differences of


People wanting to know how SeaSol got started often ask whether we had funding, whether we had an office, or whether we had extensive legal knowledge. We had none of these things, and we didnt need them. It is a strength of the model that a solidarity network can begin with few existing resources. One thing the pamphlet stresses is that a key strategy to success is identifying what you can win, which is perhaps harder than it sounds and often requires a kind of resource. Specifically, it SeaSol organizers in action.


race and gender between solidarity network members and our contacts. This fact comes to mind when the authors suggest door-knocking and more heavily flyering apartment complexes with known problem landlords. At times we did flyer specific areas, but taking that recommendation to its fullest extent in my opinion would have amounted to some of the worst kind of white radical paternalism. While efforts were made to include the women we met within our organizing, these could have been stronger. However, an individual or two does not represent a community, and the divide of white radical activists and a majority people of color service community remain as a fact of this organizing experience. The Iowa City Solidarity Network operated for a little more than a year. In that time, we learned about our area and the reality of engaging local struggles to a depth unappreciated before. Occupy Iowa City emerged in late 2011 and our efforts shifted to that project. Given the frustrating and lackluster experience of the solidarity network, it was something we decided to close in December of that year. Reflecting on this model, I think there are aspects indicating more individualized service work than is appreciated, as the single individual with a legally legitimate grievance calls in for support and the solidarity network organizers act as specialists in struggle. There is more at work here than the SeaSol model, though. There are bigger issues with the project which span the anti-capitalist left: organizers lacking real connections to working-class communitiesnot forced or imaginary ones; the lack of a recent shared history of collectively fighting back; and the lack of a material support system for those willing to take risks in their jobs or living situations, to name a few. The SeaSol model may be useful in other places. IWW people considering a solidarity network may want to find out what services already exist for tenants and workers in their area to determine if they are prepared to handle people in crisis mode looking to them for service and if they are equipped to mobilize a number of people for a public showing of solidarity. Additional questions or criteria are probably needed for an IWW branch to consider it, such as if fights will come from their own membership or outside. If the latter, how to handle people new to the IWW coming in for their workplace or housing grievance. At this stage of class struggle, different approaches in different places are worth trying and a solidarity network might be a useful one indeed.

Page 10 Industrial Worker September 2013

September 2013 Industrial Worker Page 11


Trade Union Women: Creating A Path To Empowerment

By Jane LaTour One of the joys of the 2010 British movie, Made in Dagenham, comes from watching a working-class womana trade unionistslowly discovering her ability to inspire other women to stand up to injustice and eventually lead them to victory. What adds to the fun is the fact that the story is based on real eventsa strike in 1968 by sewing machinists working for the Ford Motor Company at the River Pant in the United Kingdom that led to the passage of the Equal Pay Act in 1970. A book launch in mid-March for Gender and Leadership in Unions, a scholarly, comparative look at women in the United Kingdom and the United States, brought this film to mind and set off an exploration of their story and those of other factory women who took part in the fight against sex discrimination and for equality and power within their unions. The stories of the fight for equal pay with men and the role of trade unionists and their allies in that struggle have receded in peoples consciousness. Most women in both the United Kingdom and the United States know little about either the leaders or the foot soldiers who took part in these epic battles for the (1970) Equal Pay Act in the United Kingdom and the Equal Pay Act of 1963 in the United States. Sarah Bostons Women Workers and the Trade Unions, published in Great Britain in 1980, documents the history of women from 1874 to 1975. Its a lively account, lucidly written, with chapter titles such as, Asking for Bread and Getting a Stone (1923-1939), and Be True to Us on Budget Day (1950-1960). The last two chapters, Little Indication of Progress (1960-1968) and Youll Have to do it Yourselves (1968-1975), provide a vivid depiction of the possibilities brought about by women trade unionists of the Dagenham generation. As Boston writes, The early 1960s were curious years for women workers. They were transitory years between the conservation of the 1950s and the new militancy of which the strike of machinists at Fords, Dagenham, in 1968 marked the beginning. One important factor in laying the groundwork for militant dissent was the huge gap between womens rights in the public sector versus those of the private sector: Sick pay and occupational pension schemes, maternity leave and greater job opportunities were all gains which public sector women benefited from but were notably absent for women in private industry, Boston writes. Another factor was the huge increase in the number of female members in trade unions affiliated with the Trades Union Congress (TUC)women accounted for a full 70 percent of the increase between 1964 and 1970. As their numbers grew, women began to assert themselves within the trade union movement. The summer of 1968 was a critically important milestone on a global basis and a turning point for women workers. As Boston writes: In global terms the action of women at Fords may have seemed quite insignificant, but in terms of the long struggle by women workers in Britain for equality it was highly significant. The fact that it was a strike of women in a very clearly defined area of womens workmachinists demanding that the value of their work be recognizedwas important. Equally important, the women demonstrated their industrial strength by bringing Fords Dagenham to a standstill. Although the strike was made official, it was very clearly a strike by women and for women, with very clear leadership from a well-organized, active womens strike committee. Whilst it was not unique for women to demand recognition of their worth or to bring work to a halt, the bringing of the mighty Fords to a standstill by women machinists and the bringing in of Barbara Castle, the employment minister, to help negotiate a settlement attracted widespread attention to the strike. But it was the attention the strike drew from other women workers which was to give it its particular significance. Women had been growing impatient with the failure of the TUC and their unions to act in their interests, and the strike at Ford gave women a lead. Other women quickly realized that if they wanted to improve their lot they would have to do so themselves and persuade, drag, or demand support from their fellow trade unionists. The strike marked a radical turning point in the attitude of the women and men who formed the vanguard of the movement for womens equal rights. Obviously this change did not happen overnight, but the Fords strike was the point from which the womens movement in the British labor movement took off. For an analysis of the American counterpart to the British struggles documented by Sarah Boston, we look to Dorothy Sue Cobbles The Other Womens Movement: Workplace Justice and Social Rights in Modern America, published in 2004. Cobbles book carries the story of working-class womens activism or labor feminism forward from the 1940s through the comparable worth movement of the 1980s. Her analysis resurrects different variants of feminism and alternative visions of equality. This rich history explores the debate among trade union women over the fight for equal pay versus the broader, more expansive vision of comparable pay. She exhumes many previously unexplored corners and layers of female leadership in unions and allied organizationsand succeeds in documenting a vibrant socially and ethnically diverse movement for change. From these two propitious thresholds, filled with possibilities and portents for progress, we move forward to the current assessment of womens position in trade unions as documented by the research that went into Gender and Leadership in Unions. This is a collaborative product of British scholars Gill Kirton and Geraldine Healy, as editors and primary authors, and other academic researchers Graphic: who made contributions to the project. In addition to the trade union women who took part in the study, 10 women from the United Kingdom and 10 from the United States traveled abroad (to New Jersey and London)exchanging insights, experiences, and in the process, establishing bonds. The book is expensive ($125 from Routledge Publishing)filled with citations that connect to the scholarly research and written in clear, albeit academic language. But its utility is found in the baseline it provides for measuring the position of women and the issues they face in exerting their presence within their respective trade union movements. The other quite useful function of the book is that it places the current research alongside earlier research and together, creates an overall, in-depth picture of the subject. The good news is minimalwe learn what any active trade unionist on either side of the Atlantic knows, but with documentation and contextthat women are still in the position of having to push an

Still from Made in Dagenham.


agenda that prioritizes female workers needs and concerns, what the authors refer to as gendered policies. As they write: historically the unions have done little to challenge the prevailing pattern of gender segregation so strongly connected to gender inequalities, and some even argue that unions have even contributed to it by their efforts to exclude women from the best jobs and maintain womens lower pay. --Even with good reasons for changing the practices and behavior of maledominated unions, resistance persists: The structure of womens employment and the impact of family on womens employment participation make it clear that there is a distinct set of work issues that are of particular concern to women that the unions can no longer afford to ignore. The authors make the case for why it makes sense for unions to pay attention to gender-based issues: There is a compelling argument on social justice grounds for unions to bargain and campaign vigorously at a variety of levels for improvements on behalf of womenThe feminization of the labour market in recent decades means that there is also a business case for unions to develop and sustain gendered policies of attraction and retention. However, as they note, the timing for this agenda is bad: It is obviously problematic that the debate about unions and gender equality is now taking place in the context of a weakened union movement. Whatever happened to the push in the late 1970s and early 1980s for gender equality and shared power? Why are women still peddling over the same ground? The chapter on Women Union Leaders: Influences, Routes, Barriers offers plenty of insights. Subjects speak about exclusionary experiences and the litany of these behaviors is long and familiar: Well its difficult just to be noticedfor us to say look we are hereThe barriers are that union officials either feel threatened or just dont buy into the equality issue cannot deal with strong women and thats a real problemetc. Another familiar problem is the intersection of gender with race, creating a hierarchy that distributes most leadership positions to white men, but that also privileges white women above women of color and other minority groups. Despite the recurring barriers women must cope with, changes are evidentand the situation isnt unrelentingly depressing. Some interviewees felt respected and supported by their male peers, with some stat[ing] that they did not feel marginalized at all in their unions. A significant number of respondents found that they gained respect once their male colleagues saw how competent they were. Some of these respondents stated they did not experience sexism in their unions, whilst others felt that their positive personal experiences co-existed with continued sexism in their union. While women in both

the United States and the United Kingdom are underrepresented at the top of the unions and in their respective federations, the AFL-CIO and the TUC, some women, notable exceptions, despite all odds, have succeeded in gaining top positions. An interesting question is what, if any, role does political consciousness play in the lives of active trade union women leaders? Here, unsurprisingly, researchers found a sharp divergence between women in the United Kingdom and the United States when it comes to the influence of explicit political ideology on their commitment to the union and their view of leadership. Most of the U.K. highlevel women leaders we interviewed made links between the labour movement, the womens movement, class consciousness, and progressive politicsin describing the labour movement, one U.K. woman leader stated, [The] tradition of internationalism is in our blood. In contrast, [A]lthough the U.S. high-level women leaders expressed deep commitment to the labour movement, they tended to identify their leadership philosophy as rooted in their personal ethics and involving a pursuit of individual fairness rather than related to larger issues of systematic injustice or power differentials, the researchers go on to say. Now that the trade unions are almost flat on their backs and young people are sidelined as the shrinkage in labors ranks marginalizes union membership, organizing at the workplace is coming back into vogue. As this piece is being written, thousands of fast-food workers are walking off their jobs, mounting one-day strikes to call attention to their poverty wages and lack of benefits. For employees of Walmart and other low-wage empires that pay their workers next to nothing and make their survival dependent upon government assistance programs, organizing collectively alongside a union becomes an option for Americas new army of the under-employed. Walking with eyes wide open into the ranks of labor is a necessity. An informed approach as this embrace is considered and being carried out is critical. Learning about the history, the limitations and the possibilities of a revitalized laboror labourmovement becomes part of the tool kit for workers crafting novel approaches to challenge their working conditions. Knowledge is a form of power. For young women trying to fathom their role in creating a path to empowerment, a trip to the British blog Lipstick Socialist ( is highly recommended. It will provide an infusion of energya look at the traditions and the joy and power of collective action. The site, out of Manchester, links the trade union, feminist, and socialist traditions of Northwest Britain, and makes manifest what it means to be backed up by a conscious connection to the power of history.

Page 12 Industrial Worker September 2013

The IWW formed the International Solidarity Commission to help the union build the worker-to-worker solidarity that can lead to effective action against the bosses of the world. To contact the ISC, email

By Brandon Oliver At the end of July and beginning of August, workers from five continents gathered in Spain to organize, debate, and enjoy the heat of a Madrid summer. The occasion was the annual convention of Sennacieca Asocio Tutmonda (SAT, or World Anational Association), an organization which uses the international language Esperanto to unite workers across national boundaries. Members came from Japan, Korea, Australia, the United States, Brazil, Madagascar, Russia, and many countries within the Eurozone. The huge variety of backgrounds amongst participants was not a problem, since they were able to communicate in a common language. Many unions and sympathetic organizations sent greetings to the conference, including the IWW through our International Solidarity Commission. During the opening session I delivered the IWWs message, which quoted our Preamble and compared it with SATs objective of promoting the practical use of the international language Esperanto for the objectives of the worldwide working class. The message was enthusiastically received and, combined with a later presentation about contemporary and historical class struggle in North America, drummed up a lot of interest in the IWW. Various parts of the convention stand out as examples of how Esperanto is useful for allowing direct person-toperson contact and thereby also helping to break down barriers of dogmatism between radicals in different countries. The comrades in Spain who organized the convention allowed us to feel the history

Workers Esperanto Convention In Madrid


of Spanish class struggle through their own experiences. For example, we visited a monument to four labor lawyers and one union member who were assassinated by Francoists in the late 1970s, during the supposed transition to democracy, because of their union activities and their ties with the Spanish Communist Party. The union member who was murdered had worked in the same plant as one of the organizers of the current convention, who presented the history from a personal standpoint. One of the beautiful things about the IWW is that we have always seen the working class as a global entity within a global struggle. Having direct contact with comrades from other countries through Esperanto clarifies both the urgent necessity of working-class unity, and the obstacles we still have to overcome. It also makes it clear that working-class unity has to be multi-directional; it will not happen if IWW members in primarily Anglo-Saxon countries imagine that workers elsewhere are waiting for us to organize them. In fact, through the kind of direct contact that Esperanto enables, it becomes obvious that workers in every country have a lot to learn from the comrades across the border(s). For more information about SAT or Esperanto, visit:

By John Kalwaic Workers in China have no way to strike legally or collectively bargain. The only labor union in China is the All-China Federation of Trade Unions (ACFTU). The ACFTU is controlled by the government and cannot strike. So, what do these workers do when they have a problem with the boss? There are plenty of workplace incidents in this country Workers protest the Zhongji Pile factory. Photo: where many workers toil in sweatshop conditions. Some workers Zhongji Pile factory in Huizhou, Guangin China are now resorting to kidnapping dong Province, surrounded the company their bosses (bossnapping) as a way to offices. The company, which makes roads force them to pay them the money they and bridges, promised these workers at are owed. In Beijing workers kept their least RMB 4,500 per month (about $734 American boss hostage over the issue of in U.S. dollars). There were cutbacks in two months of unpaid wages, while the hours and pay due to the recession, and factory was slated to move to Bangla- worse still the company was going to sell desh. In June and July, the factorys 200 the factory. The workers blocked the main workers took over their factory and held entrance and built barricades around the the boss hostage inside. The American doors out of desks and chairs, trapping executive held hostage was Chip Starnes company executives on the fifth floor of of Specialty Medical Supplies, who denied the building. The Chinese army and police his workers allegation that he owed them arrived and tried to placate the workers any money. Starnes also accused the work- and finally had them agree. Bossnapping ers of mistreating him while he was held is now one of the last resorts left in an hostage. However, the workers claimed economy hit by recession and the global all they did was forbid him to leave until race to the bottom, which has countries he agreed to pay them their wages and competing for the cheapest wages to keep promised not to move the factory abroad. corporations happy. Other bossnappings have also occurred; With files from the Huffington Post on June 30 more than 200 workers at the and Labor Notes.

Chinese Workers Kidnap Bosses

By John Kalwaic India has now become one of the worlds biggest exploiters of auto workers. In July, auto workers launched a dharna (sit-in and hunger strike) in Manesar, India, for the release of 147 of their fellow workers from prison. South Asia and South Africa have now become the most profitable markets for the Maruti Suzuki auto company. When workers in Manesar formed the Maruti Suzuki Workers Union (MSWU) last year many of them were arrested in police raids, and have since been in prison on trumpedup charges. Workers have been engaged

Indian Auto Workers Fight Repression

in hunger strikes and sit-ins to get their 147 co-workers out of jail, as well as to have the fired 546 permanent MSWU workers and 1,800 contract workers reinstated at the auto plant. The Photo: struggles around these auto workers have been going on since 2011. The unions original campaign involved getting a fixed contract. However, the auto bosses are powerful in Manesar, and company thugs had been harassing the workers before the actual arrests occurred, as union activity has become increasingly criminalized. With files from Labor Notes.

Poland Eliminates The Eight-Hour Day

From In sad news this summer, the Polish government announced on June 13 that it has eliminated the eighthour workday. The reason is to attract corporations to stay in Poland and not to move abroad for cheaper labor. Polish workers first won the eight-hour day in 1919, shortly after the country attained independence. The eight-hour day came as the result of the long struggle for workers rights, and the elimination of it has come as a setback for workers. The elimination of the eight-hour day is accomplished by increasing accounting periods for calculating the average amount of hours worked for the whole year and by also introducing flexible working hours. In the past, you had to have a certain resting time between your shifts and if your shifts were moved from day to day, it could be considered outside your normal working time. You would then be entitled to overtime pay. The new rules allow bosses to impose much longer working days, so long as if some other time of the year they cut the hours. For workers in some industries and areas, this could mean long days for all their working time, and a few months of idleness, instead of stable working hours.

Graphic: Tom Keough

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Assessments for $3 and $6 are available from your delegate or IWW headquarters: PO Box 180195, Chicago, IL 60618, USA.

It is also not clear what rights workers who are hired temporarily (for example for six months) would have under this scheme. What is clear is that already for many years, Polish employers openly defy whatever rights workers still have and nobody wants to crack down on them. Workers are facing a myriad of unprecedented attacks against their well-being. However most are disorganized, con trolled by concessionist business unions or uncertain about their ability to act, being afraid of widespread repression. Yet others have been successfully brainwashed by years of neoliberal propaganda from every corner.

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